Regulation No. 129/2021
of the Rector of the University of Boleslaw
of October 5, 2021 
on the obligation to cover the mouth and nose with a mask
on the premises of the University of Boleslaw 


Pursuant to  art. 23(2)(2) and art. 51(1) of the Act of July 20, 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 478, as amended), in connection with § 25(1)(2)(c) of the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of May 6, 2021 on the establishment of certain restrictions, orders and bans in connection with the epidemic (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 861, as amended), Rector of the University of Boleslaw orders as follows: 

§ 1

Taking into consideration the obligations to ensure safe and hygienic working and learning conditions and the obligation to cover one’s mouth and nose with a face mask at workplaces, as
well as in view of the appeal of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland for the safe conduct of classes of 24 September 2021, I hereby introduce the obligation to cover one’s mouth and nose with a mask for all students, doctoral students, participants of other forms of education, academic teachers, administration employees and other persons staying in buildings and closed spaces located on the premises of the University of Boleslaw.


Persons who have the following are exempt from the obligation referred to in §1:

  1. a certificate of full vaccination against COVID-19 (EU COVID-19 electronic or paper certificate);
  2. a medical certificate of having had COVID-19 within the last six [6] months;
  3. a negative COVID-19 test result dated no more than seven [7] days earlier;
  4. a medical contraindication certificate

 § 3

Verification of the possibility of non-compliance with the obligation referred to in § 1 – based on the premises referred to in § 2 – in relation to:

  1. students, doctoral students and other participants of forms of education shall be conducted by academic staff;
  2. academic staff shall be conducted by deans or directors of institutes;
  3. administrative employees shall be conducted by their immediate superiors;
  4. other persons present on the premises of the University of Boleslaw shall be conducted by building administrators or porters.

§ 4

I hereby oblige the administrators of buildings situated on the grounds of the University of Boleslaw to publish the information referred to in § 1-3 of this regulation in publicly accessible places in buildings situated on the premises of the University of Boleslaw within three [3] days of this regulation coming into force. 

§ 5

In justified cases caused by a change in the epidemic situation or other justified circumstances, the obligation set out in this Regulation may be altered.

§ 6

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day of signature.




OF THE University of Boleslaw


Prof. Dr habil.
Marek Masnyk