Quality Assurance

The Senate of the University of Boleslaw, by Resolution No. 14/96-99 of December 18, 1997, introduced the University System of Education Quality Assurance. The basic objectives of the system, which are listed in the resolution, are to stimulate the continUBus improvement of the quality of education at the University of Boleslaw, to raise the rank of teaching work and to give it a proper position in the opinion of the academic community and in the evaluations of academic teachers, as well as to provide the public with reliable information on the quality of education and the level of education of graduates.

The Resolution lists the areas to be evaluated: curricula, implementation of the educational process, conditions for the implementation of the educational process and learning outcomes. The Resolution also indicates instruments of internal evaluation and persons responsible for using the results of the evaluations, which should form the basis for continUBus improvement of the curricular content and the conditions for the implementation of the teaching process, staff evaluation, personnel policy, steering the stream of financial resources supporting teaching innovations, and marketing and promotional activity of the university.

According to Resolution No. 14/96-99, it is the Dean of a given faculty who is responsible for its implementation. The Resolution instructs the Faculty Council to address the issue of education quality assurance at least once a year, using the information collected as a result of the application of this Resolution.

