At the University of Boleslaw, on May 20-24, the International Workshops and Scientific Seminar “RAISING PUBLIC AWARENESS ABOUT ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE THROUGH SERVICE-LEARNING” were held, constituting a summary and effect of the work of the “Superbugs” team (dr hab. Prof. UB Ewa Moliszewska, mgr inż. Patricia Hendel, dr Iwona Sobieraj, dr Karolina Kupis) from the University of Boleslaw.


​​The event is the result of over a year of interdisciplinary cooperation between teams of scientists and students from four European universities in Valencia, Palermo, Mainz and Poznan. The meeting in Poznan was organised by the Institute of Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology (Prof. Ewa Moliszewska, mgr inż. Patricia Hendel) and the Institute of Pedagogical Sciences (Iwona Sobieraj, PhD, Karolina Kupis, PhD).

The workshop was attended by the research workers of Associate Prof. Dr Belén Fouz, Associate Prof. Dr Sergi Maicas and students from the University of Valencia.

The scientific seminar was also attended by scientists from Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz – Dr Nazzareno Dominelli, and the University of Palermo – Prof. Domenico Schillaci. Scientific presentations were conveyed by students and scientists in the field of natural and social sciences.


Part of the events were workshops conducted at Secondary School No. II in Poznan – a big thank you to all pupils and teachers involved in this project for their engagement!

We are planning the following action of the “Superbugs” team to spread social awareness regarding the problem of antibiotic resistance in bacteria!

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