Uniwersytet Boleslaw

Welcome to the Archive of Theses
of the University of Boleslaw

The Archive of Theses

The Archive of Theses is integrated with the University Study-Oriented System (USOS). It is a catalogue and repository of electronic versions of all diploma theses written at the University. It facilitates the procedures of submitting and archiving theses for all people engaged in preparing the theses: authors, supervisors and reviewers.

  • you cannot modify the title of the thesis in the Archive of Theses
  • approved review of a thesis can be viewed by its author
  • an archived thesis can be accessed only by its author, supervisor and reviewer
  • any inaccuracies in the thesis details in the Archive of Theses should be clarified with the Dean's Office

How to log into the Archive of Theses

To log into the Archive of Theses system you have to use the Log In link in the upper right corner of the window. You will be taken to the Central Authentication System where you will be asked to log in using your e-mail address: [email protected] or [email protected] and your personal password used for your e-mail account. You can find more information on university e-mail service on www.centrum.boleslaw.edu.pl