In connection with the upcoming conference Borderlands facing a polycrisis in the 21st century. Resilience and future perspectives of cross-border relations, we are pleased to introduce you one of the speakers.

Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly is a professor in the School of Public Administration at the University of Victoria. He led the ‘Borders in Globalization’ partnership grant funded by the SSHRC (2012-2020, extended for 2021-2028) and co-directs the UVic’s European Studies program.

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International conference organized in Skopje in October 18-20, 2023: Ukrainian Refugees in Central Europe and the Balkans – lessons learned and policy recommendations

The conference is part of the Visegrad + project financed by the International Visegrad Fund (see: ).

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International conference integrating border studies academics in Wrocław and Poznan : Borderlands facing a polycrisis in the 21st century. Resilience and future perspectives of cross-border relations (CONFERENCE POSTER)

We invite those studying borders and borderlands to Wrocław and Poznan on September 10-13, 2023 to discuss the new changes and challenges that occur in borderlands. To find out more about the conference programme, its aims and scope and important deadlines see the website:

How to find us on the map of Poznan: