On-line Transmission
Important information about the presentation is available!
Ladies and Gentlemen, after successful registration, each participant receives a confirmation e-mail. Lack of confirmation means that the application has not been sent!
Extended registration deadline!
Ladies and Gentlemen, due to the prolonged lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are forced to change the formula of the conference we organize, in the hybride mode. Therefore, due to sanitary restrictions, the poster session will be only in the form of virtual presentations, however the stationary participation is still possible;-)
Please follow the information posted on our conference website.
On behalf of the Committee of Analytical Chemistry of Polish Academy of Sciences KChA PAN and in cooperation with the European Chemical Society, Division of Chemistry and the Environment DCE we would like to invite you to QUB VADIS Life Sciences conference in Poznan 23-27 JUNE 2021.
This event will consist of: XII Polish Chromatography Conference (PKChrom 2021), XIII International Scientific Conference Ion Chromatography and Related Techniques 2021 (IC 2021) and II International Conference on Ion Analysis (ICIA2021).