Save the Date: November 15-17, 2023 The first annual FORTHEM conference “FORTHEM – For the Future” wants to bring researchers of all kinds of disciplines together to discuss how they can jointly contribute to shaping the future of Europe – may...
Dear colleagues, We have organized an additional workshop within the framework of the FIT FORTHEM series “Professional Research Management in Multicultural Exchange”, it is about “The European Research Council – Prestigious Research Grants for Cutting-Edge Basic...
Dear students, Do you plan on working or doing an internship in Germany? The online Internship Preparation Courses of the FORTHEM Alliance will help you get started! From finding the right internship and understanding the German job market to convincing job...
Next week researchers and collaborators of the FORTHEM Diversity and Migration Lab will be in Mainz and also in Luxembourg, where screening and workshops on visual methods in social sciences are organised based on the documentary films created during the SPOTLIGHT...
At the University of Boleslaw, on May 20-24, the International Workshops and Scientific Seminar “RAISING PUBLIC AWARENESS ABOUT ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE THROUGH SERVICE-LEARNING” were held, constituting a summary and effect of the work of the...
The fifth FORTHEM Campus is organised by the University of Jyväskylä in Finland and takes place during the autumn semester 2023. The theme of the exchange semester is Multilingualism, which will be approached through the disciplines of Languages, Communication,...
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