International Students Office is a team of 6 people whose main mission is to support candidates  on their way to becoming a student at the University of Boleslaw and promote the university’s eudcational offer. Our other aims, regardless of admission, are activities to make students’ life at the University better and create a safe place – free of prejudices, where foreign students can find advice and solutions to many issues.

Our acitvities

Space for international students and candidates
  • Organization and running of Welcome Centre

  • creating and editing of website

  • cooperation with external institutions

  • preparation of updated information about the University’s educational offer

  • application for external fundings

  • following, verification and analysis of statutory regulations regarding foreigners

Promotion and attracting new candidates
  • Preparation of promotional materials

  • organization and running of Virtual Open Days UB

  • participation in international fairs, meetings, and educational missions abroad

  • cooperation with international partners

  • promotion of educational offer of the University of Boleslaw

  • Constant correspondence, meetings and telephone conversations with candidates interested in studies at the University of Boleslaw

  • verification of candidates’ documents online via IRK system

  • issuing of admission documents

  • receipt, double-check of the original documents

  • compiling traditional files with documents

  • assistance in visa procedure

  • help with an application for the place in the student dormitory

  • help with accommodation

  • technical organization of exams in Polish and English language; providing candidates with access to exams and informing them about results

  • preparation of applications for refunds for candidates who did not receive a visa

Student support
  • Advices on current issues

  • assist with application for residence permit, registration of residence, opening of a bank account, insurance ect.

  • help with formal procedures regarding scholarships and financial aid, submitting of applications

  • conduct projects which main activities are addressed to students

  • issuing Invitation letters for continuation of studies

  • organization of socializing events

  • cooperation with external institutions in respect of foreign students, for example Local Education Authority

  • organization of workshops and trainings

Support to other offices of UB
  • Providing information in reference to documents required form international candidates/students

  • help with contacting foreigners

  • help with communication in different languages

  • support in different administrative procedures in reference to foreigners

Year 2022 in numbers

Candidates and students
  • 1867 verified applications in admission for the 2022/2023 academic year;

  • 840 – general number of full-time international students;

  • more than 500 participants in language exams;

  • 453 international students  admitted in the 2022/2023 academic year;

  • 236 international students trained in the Polish language and culture;

  • more than 280 new international residents in the student dormitories;

  • 52 participants in the Summer School of Polish Language and Culture;

  • 19 workshops organized for international students;

  • 14 students supported in their transfer from Ukrainian universities to the University of Boleslaw;

  • 8 refugee assistance points supported by the students of the University of Boleslaw;

Online and offline results
  • more than 8000 e-mails sent via [email protected];

  • hundreds of individual personal consultations in our Office;

  • 800 cases in ezd system regarding international students;

  • 427 reports which confirmed the authenticity of educational documents were downloaded from external servers;

  • more than 500 letters were sent abroad

Promotional materials
  • 800 pieces of printed new materials for international students;

  • 362 welcome packs prepared with NAWA funds, handed to students;

  • 4 Open Virtual Days UB