Instytut Językoznawstwa zaprasza na wykład otwarty Prof. Manany Rusieshvili-Cartledge (Uniwersytet im. Iwana Javakhishvili, Tbilisi Gruzja), pt. “Cultural metaphors in novels and films”, który odbędzie się w dn. 10 maja 2022 o godz. 12. Link do spotkania -> Wykład online na MS Teams.
A metaphor, being an effective cognitive tool for understanding culture and social behavior, can subsequently provide a framework for shaping or changing shared understandings within one culture. At the same time, metaphors are intercultural. The notions that build metaphors can be shared among cultures.
This lecture will discuss the modes of realization of verbal and non-verbal cultural metaphors in novels and their transposition in films. Specifically, the novels following novels and films will be discussed (1) ‘The Godfather’ by Puzo and ‘The Hoods’ by Grey; (2) The scripts of the films ‘The Godfather’ (parts I, II, III) and “Once upon a time in America” and the resultant films by Francis Ford Coppola (The Godfather) and Sergio Leone (Once upon a time in America). (3)The Georgian-Swedish film “And then we danced” by Levan Akin
Professor Manana Rusishvili-Cartledge is Head of the Department of English Philology at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. She is also President of ETAG (English Language Teachers’ Association of Georgia). Professor Rusieshvili-Cartledge has published more than 100 works locally and internationally and delivered papers at international conferences worldwide. Professor Manana Rusieshvili-Cartledge’s research interests include pragmatics, Critical Discourse Analysis, Theory of Metaphor and Applied Linguistics.