travelling tips


A little bit about myself

Hello Everyone, My name is Eda and I am 20 year old Erasmus student of psychology, at the University of Boleslaw. I come from Istanbul. At the beginning, I should say that that I love travelling, especially to the Nordic countries. Poland is a great starting place for travellers, due to its location in the Central Europe, and a very low ticket prices, for those of you who like adventures. 
Eda Aksoy

Erasmus Psychology Student , Turkey

How can you save money and travel at the same time?

Checking Ryan Air website, and their ‘Where we fly’ section, is a habit of mine. If you are obstinant and lucky, you can find good, low-fare flights, just like I did. Recently, I found very cheap tickets from Wroclaw Airport to Oslo Torp for 5PLN (1 EUR), and from Oslo Torp to Poznan Airport for 9 NOK (1 EUR), and so, together with a couple of friends, we’ve travelled to Norway. Because my flight back to Poland was scheduled for 5.30 a.m., I didn’t want to stay in a hotel. I’ve spent the night exploring the city, where I met a lot of travellers just like myself. My trip to Oslo was not the only one. Using this method I visited a lot of other countries, not for 2 EUR, but still, at a very low fare. So share this travel method with your friends, or try it for yourself, and enjoy your travels!