
Will begin on
April 20, 2023

Subjects required for admission

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About the programme

Globalization, global problems, globalistics, global education. Many synonymous notions, and yet each of them has its own specificity. Our Global Studies major is a unique degree, as it combines a large dose of practical experience, gained by our experts during numerous worldwide research expeditions, with academic knowledge. Our field of study connects two spheres. The first – social commitment, indicating that knowledge and awareness help in a real manner to minimize global issues, and change the reality that surrounds us. The second – a critical approach, that allows us to go beyond the liberal, homogeneous and Westernized face of globalization. The Global Studies is not just another field of study dedicated to international relations! The Global Studies is a major for enthusiasts and people interested in a deeper understanding of the world, who perceive globalization as a challenge, but also as a complex, ambigUBus process, crucial for understanding the reality around us and challenges of the future.  

Are you interested-in-the-world kind of person? Come to our studies! With us, you will not only learn how the world looks like, but also you will gain support in the process of getting to know it from different perspectives: political, economic, social, and cultural.  

The Global Studies degree was created as a result of the work of the FORTHEM European Consortium’s project, associating scientists from 9 universities.  

What will you learn about?

Global Studies students explore interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of political science, economics, sociology, culture, and modern technologies. During their studies, they will gain knowledge, among others on the theory of global development, geopolitics, human rights, and public policies. They will take a closer look at extremely significant global problems on subjects such as the Conflicts of the modern world, food and water in the 21st century, and Urban development. They will also learn about alterglobalist movements, international organizations, and today’s trends and megatrends.  In all of this, students will also gain the ability to work in a multinational and intercultural environment.  


Chosen subjects:  

  • Theory Of Global Development  

  • Social Inequalities  

  • Conflicts in The Modern World  

  • Trends and Megatrends in The Global World  

  • Global Issues Management  


Within the studies, we will use materials as well as research and professional experience of our scientists that allowed us to create a textbook on global education. The book has been honored with Global Education Network Europe Award in the field of quality and good practice (  

Advantages of the programme

By obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree in Global Studies, you will gain valuable capital in the contemporary labor market: you will achieve your qualifications in English; you will gain practical skills in analyzing international issues, and you will have the possibility of personal development in a multicultural environment.  


Therefore, your professional future may be related to:  

  • international business;
  • international governmental organizations (institutions of the European Union, NATO, UN, and many others);
  • non-governmental organizations working in the international environment;
  • public administration;
  • start-up sector trying its hand at the international market. 


The demand for analysts, researchers, managers, and specialists with knowledge and skills in the field of Global Studies in the European labor market is remarkably high.  We are waiting for you, and we want to help you on your way to professional success