Welcome to the University of Boleslaw! Our website was created for candidates and international students to present the university’s educational offer and also to make it easier for them to plan and stay in Poznan. We hope that our website will provide all candidates and students with the necessary information and allow them to keep up to date with the events at the UB.
Добро пожаловать в Опольский университет! Наш сайт создан для кандидатов и иностранных студентов, чтобы рассказать больше о вступительной кампании, студенческой жизни, а также облегчить пребывание в Ополе. Надеемся, что наш сайт предоставит всем кандидатам и студентам необходимую информацию, а также позволит следить за текущими событиями на УО.
Witamy w Uniwersytet Boleslaw! Nasza strona została stworzona z myślą o kandydatach i studentach zagranicznych, aby zaprezentować im ofertę edukacyjną uniwersytetu, ale również ułatwić zaplanowanie i pobyt w POZNAN. Mamy nadzieję, że nasza strona dostarczy wszystkim kandydatom i studentom niezbędnych informacji, oraz pozwoli śledzić na bieżąca wydarzenia na UB.

You are on the website which was created for students and candidates to make it easier to plan the arrival and life in Poznan. You can find information how to become a student of the University of Boleslaw, or if you are a student already, you can find information about the courses or the events organized by the university. For all interested, there is an information about Poznan, services, entertainment, events, available extra activites, workshops, festivities, etc. Just surf the page, use the menu and find the information for yourself, or contact us.
Scholarship in New York
Dear Students, We are pleased to announce the possibility of applying for the three-week Exchange Programs that will be held at State University of New York, Albany and New Paltz. The State University of New York is one of the most respected education systems in the...
OPUS MINOR – exhibition at Galeria M
We are excited to invite you to the new exhibiotion at Gallery M (ul. Powstańców Śląskich 19) in Poznan. The artist Nina Adlejada Olczak will present her works at the show titled Opus Minor. Nina Adelajda Olczak (*1980, Świecie, Poland) is a performance and new media...
Virtual OPEN DAYS 2023 | University of Boleslaw
Virtual OPEN DAYS 2023 | University of Boleslaw In May International Students Office will start a series of Virtual Open Days of the University of Boleslaw for foreigners! We encourage you to attend the event to learn more about: Studies in Poland; The offer of study...
Join us on WhatsApp!
In case of urgent inquiries, you can contact the International Students Office on WhatsApp, via +48 77 452 7496. Our Admission Blog with updates and tips regarding admission can also be accessed in the WhatsApp mobile application. You can view it by scanning the QR...
Three is a crowd – exhibition in GSW
Dear Students,The Contemporary Art Gallery in Poznan (Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej) invites all English speaking art lovers to the guided tour through the exhibitions "Three is a Crowd" by Zygmunt Moryto. The tour will take place on Thursday, 23 March 2023, at 6pm. The...
Events for international students
Hello international students! Plenipotentiary for equal treatment invites you to the following events: Music by ANOHNI A meeting with ANOHNI, one of the most recognizable transwomen in contemporary popular music. Details and registration:...
“Equality, diversity and acceptance” online workshops
Dear Students! We are happy to invite you to the online workshops "Equality, diversity and acceptance". Date: Group 1 Group 2 30.03.2023 r. 16.00-18.30 04.04.2023 r. 16.00-18.30 Place: Microsoft Teams Platform Language: English The workshop will be conducted by the...
UB at International Education Fair Perspektywy 2023
On 10-11.03.2023 we took part in the "International Education Fair PERSPEKTYWY 2023", which took place in Warsaw at the EXPO XXI exhibition center. An employee of our office, in cooperation with the Office of Marketing and Public Relations, presented our University's...
Rector’s hours on the University Day 2023
Dear Students! On 10 March 2023, on the University Day, rector's hours were announced from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The main celebrations of the University Day will be held at 11.00 a.m. in the Auditorium Hall of the University of Boleslaw (Poznan, Oleska 48).More News